We are an advisory company with the mission to serve our international clients with independent, focused and high quality advice to capitalize on the profound technology and market transformations that are taking place.The transportation sector is transforming from internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles to sell millions of Electric Vehicles (EV) over the next years (e-mobility). As a result of rapid introduction of renewables like distributed solar and wind (DER) the energy sector is transforming from a hierarchical to a more distributed grid and the emergence of the prosumer that produces energy where it is used.In this complex eco-system we need to move to the next dimension to simplify and focus on the key elements that are driving the transformation.The e-mobility wave will have a major impact on the bottom line, productivity and competitive position of companies. next-dimension will provide safe navigation, concise data and clear options - based on demonstrated experience and expertise - for the client to make sound decisions about the e-mobility opportunities always focusing on the best value for the client.We advise clients on a broad range of strategic options to capitalize on the changing markets. This includes advice on identifying new business opportunities, companies migrating their ICE fleets to EV fleets, market models, regulatory issues, supply chain, and strategic options whether to "build, buy or partner".