Space Love Studio is a young Architecture and Interior Design practise founded by Iva Bekic and Marija Blagojevic, based in Belgrade. We believe that good design is more than just doing good design, hence we aspire to educate about the importance of architecture, promote the loving architect-client relationship and remind how people can contribute architecture. That said, engaging the client in every step of the design process is fruitful for an ongoing back and forward learning process on both sides. We like a good talk.. Therefore, we approach design from three spheres:SPACE - EDUCATION (a thoughtful conversation)LOVE - INSPIRATION (sharing what gets us going)STUDIO - WORK (multidisciplinary spacial interventions)With the studio's focus primarily being on tiny, micro, small spaces - our field of interest has different scales ranging from product to project. Space Love Studio is more than a practice. It is a platform for good space footprint.Let's show your space some Love !