GreenLine is the human interaction that enables the machine of business to run. The basic unit of currency in these interactions is the conversation. GreenLine puts the conversation under a microscope, offering skills that build conviction, resulting in better performance and better outcomes.Human interactions are simple…until they are not! When skilfully managed they can deepen trust and commitment. When handled unskillfully, these moments create residue.The GreenLine Conversation suite is a blend of facilitated in-class training, eLearning and video content in order to provide our clients with a truly blended solution. This results is a more personalized learning experience and increased control over the time, place, path and or pace of learning. At GreenLine we want to go beyond one-to-one computers and high-tech gadgets, to offer an enhanced user experience that is curated for our client's needs with flexibility and support from our expert facilitators. GreenLine Conversations is the performance baseline for your organizations culture, it's a Cultural Change Initiative and that's our commitment to you.From keynotes and highly interactive in class training to a flexible, scalable and blended online delivery platform, bringing GreenLine Conversations into your organization couldn't be easier. Talk to us to unlock the best solution for your organization... Let's start the conversation.