ArrowDeep is a StarPoint company, funded in 2017 by splitting its overseas business unit. In the meantime, ArrowDeep will be focusing its efforts to extend the business in every aspect of Internet of Things (IoT).ArrowDeep supplies to the overseas market the world leading terminal testing and measurement products including the most advanced NB-IoT and eMTC conformance testing platforms SP8315 and SP8630. Apart from being used for 3GPP conformance (RF, Protocol and RRM), the products are also able to test IoT specific requirements such as power consumption. Our testing portfolio also includes a powerful testing platform SP9010, specifically designed for manufacturing various mobile terminals and IoT modules.We also work with vertical industries to develop and supply bespoke and application specific IoT modules.We provide a generic IoT application management tool which can be conveniently tailored to fit in different IoT verticals. Based on powerful machine learning and big data analysis technologies, the tool is also able to integrate various IoT applications into a single management platform.Work with us. ArrowDeep - We Connect Wonderful Things.