【一句话】悉见科技是打造AR+AI软硬件基础平台和制定标准的领军企业。【关于我们】悉见科技(Seengene Inc.)取意"洞悉所见",是一家专注于视觉智能和混合现实核心技术的人工智能公司。团队由海内外名校博士硕士组成,历经十多年技术积累,有数十项顶级国际论文和专利,总部位于北京,并在美国硅谷、芬兰赫尔辛基、深圳、长春、南京、西安等地设有研发中心或子公司。悉见以AR&AI「软件+硬件+云服务」为文旅泛娱乐等行业赋能,在实景之上再造混合现实世界。【愿景】我们相信,从科技的发展强化消费者接收信息的能力这个层面上来讲,消费级硬件产品第一代是个人计算机(PC),第二代是智能手机(Smart Phone),第三代则是增强现实眼镜(AR Glasses)。AR眼镜将解放人的双手和双眼,所见即所想见,让人们在大数据与物联网时代生活得更加惬意、得心应手。【理念】科技解放个体,创新改变世界。悉见科技团队中的每一员都深信着这点,并努力促使着它的发生。AR眼镜是我们优化生活的第一次发声,从设计之初,我们就决心创造一款无论从使用还是外观,都简洁却充满美好体验的产品。我们通过技术和设计及承载它们的产品和服务,连接人与人、连接人与万物,让人们的生活更有效、有品、有趣。【About Us】Beijing Seengene Technology Co., Ltd. is a leading AR&AI hardware and software solution provider, founded by a team of Xiaomi tech veterans and Peking University alumni. Seengene has seven brands line, including for example SeengeneX AR glass, Momentos AI glass, Lizarland AR, and Galary SmartFrame. SeengeneX1 also rewarded as CES2017AR Star with leading product features. Seengene focus on culture and tourism industry, striving to create enjoyable immersive experience through AR&AI technology. Seengene X-series AR GlassesSeengene X-series AR glasses are all-in-one AR glasses with widest binocular FOV (45°), highest resolution (1080P), competitive price ($699), and weights only 166g. Along with world leading features, Seengene X already has mass production. SeengeneX leads for her advanced algorithms, for her optimized and ergonomic industry design, and for her excellent user experience. The application scenarios are culture, tourism, entertainment, real estate, industry, education, marketing, venue planning and retail. Welcome to our stand for further discussion!