Co-Owner at Emerald Alternative Investments Group - Hertsliya, Tel Aviv District, Israel
Emerald is a company, specializing in Alternative investments.Today, everyone understands that Alternative investments are an inseparable part of a sophisticated investment portfolio, of the kind that improves the ratio between potential yield and risk. Within this vast world of opportunities, Emerald is focused on asset backed lending investments.The goal of Emerald is to provide its clients with access to sound, consistent and rewarding investments worldwide. Emerald's clients are institutional investors, Family Offices, consultants and qualified investors. Emeralds' investment philosophy is based on two massive pillars :1. Certain percentage of the investment portfolio should be allocated to alternative investments that are non-market correlated.2. This allocation should be diversified across few investment options not correlated to each other. Each investment produces its yield from a different source. Doing so, the client's portfolio gains not only spread of risk but also the potential to benefit various investment yields.The Emerald Investments Group LTD has been active since 2013, focusing on two primary channels of investments:• Funds• Direct LoansMoreover, Emerald group has several subsidiaries focused in international trading and international finance.To find out more about these exciting opportunities please contact Emerlad's team or visit the web-site.