BK Associates regularly provides professional services to airlines, airframe, engine and component manufacturers; legal and financial institutions; leasing companies; industrial firms; and governments.The range of services include:- Aircraft Appraisals and Residual Value Forecasts- Aircraft Inspections- Maintenance Audits for Compliance with Lease Provisions- Appraisals of Engines and Simulators- Aircraft Supply & Demand Studies- Expert Witness TestimonyBK Associates aircraft appraisers are certified by the International Society of Transport Aircraft Trading (ISTAT). ISTAT is a non-profit society whose members have common interests in the manufacture, purchase, brokerage, leasing, maintenance and appraisal of transport aircraft. International in structure, it is self-supporting and unaffiliated. Within ISTAT is a core group of professional aircraft appraisers who work cooperatively for the elevation of the appraisal profession within the world aviation community.