To further the understanding of Afterlife Science through research and education while providing support and healing for people in griefTo establish the existence of the continuity of the familyeven though a member has left the physical worldTo stimulate thought among the curiousthose questioning their relationship to the universeand people who are looking for explanations of certain phenomenaTo financially support the continued research into survival of consciousness and Afterlife ScienceTo provide a forum where individuals and families who have suffered the loss of a loved one can turn for supportinformationand hope through state-of-the-art information and services provided by ongoing research into the survival of consciousness and Afterlife ScienceSignature Love Knows No Death Grief Transformationâ„¢ RetreatsSigns Of Life RadioSigns of Life MagazineAfterlife Discussion Groupsâ„¢Medium Evaluation Certification ProcessNon-ProfitNonprofit Organization Management