I specialize in helping companies build innovative products and services. Whether you want to develop a new product, update the positioning of a struggling offering, disrupt a new or adjacent market, or you have a crazy idea you want a second opinion on, I can help!Highlights of my core services include:PRODUCT STRATEGYA great product starts with a clear strategy that is customer and market driven. As such, I will first gain a deep understanding of the needs of the targeted customer segment(s) then do a comprehensive review of all trends affecting the market to discover opportunities. I then make recommendations on which customer segment(s) to target, what your solution's unique value proposition needs to be, and what key functionality is required to differentiate your product from your competitors.PRODUCT MANAGEMENTI am here for you if you want to outsource any part of your product management function in developing and delivering your solutions. Services include reviewing how you engage your prospects and clients to ensure you are properly capturing the critical information they are providing, the correct steps to validating your new ideas or features, requirements gathering, functional specification documentation, user personas, agile product development processes, feature backlog prioritization to ensure you are getting the greatest ROI from your R&D, and much much more.MARKET STRATEGYMarket Research + Strategic Insights = Market StrategyI offer much more than just 'market research' as I understand the latest trends in technology and business that are affecting your products, and the customers that are using them. A happy client today might leave tomorrow because you have not adapted to the latest technology sweeping the industry or a competitor who has disrupted the market.I offer on-demand market research and recommendations to ensure you are making the right product development and product positioning decisions.