Bob Gorley

Corporate Services Officer at Social Research and Demonstration Corporation - Ottawa, ON, CA

Bob Gorley's Contact Details
Social Research and Demonstration Corporation
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Social Research and Demonstration Corporation logo, Social Research and Demonstration Corporation contact details

Social Research and Demonstration Corporation

Ottawa, ON, CA • 50 - 99 Employees
Public Safety

The Social Research and Demonstration Corporation (SRDC) is a non-profit research organization, created specifically to develop, field test, and rigorously evaluate new programs. Our mission is to help policy-makers and practitioners identify policies and programs that improve the well-being of all Canadians, with a special concern for the effects on the disadvantaged, and to raise the standards of evidence that are used in assessing policies. SRDC has offices located in Ottawa and Vancouver, and satellite offices in Calgary and Montreal.La Société de recherche sociale appliquée (SRSA) est un organisme de recherche sans but lucratif, créé dans le but précis d'élaborer, de mettre à l'essai sur le terrain et d'évaluer rigoureusement de nouveaux programmes. Notre mission, qui comporte deux volets, consiste à aider les décideurs et les intervenants à recenser les politiques et programmes qui améliorent le bien-être de tous les Canadiens, en se penchant particulièrement sur les effets qu'ils auront sur les personnes défavorisées, et à améliorer les normes relatives aux éléments probants utilisées pour évaluer ces politiques. La SRSA a des bureaux à Ottawa et Vancouver et des bureaux satellites à Calgary et Montréal.

Social Policy Research Public Policy Research and Evaluation Demonstration Projects Impact Evaluation Studies Program Evaluation Studies Experimental Economics Feasibility Studies and Concept Papers Literature Reviews Policy and Analytical Studies
Details about Social Research and Demonstration Corporation
Frequently Asked Questions about Bob Gorley
Bob Gorley currently works for Social Research and Demonstration Corporation.
Bob Gorley's role at Social Research and Demonstration Corporation is Corporate Services Officer.
Bob Gorley's email address is *** To view Bob Gorley's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Bob Gorley works in the Public Policy industry.
Bob Gorley's colleagues at Social Research and Demonstration Corporation are Ricardo Cohn, SRDC EECLRRS, Haley Fresne, Christina Hackett, Lucie Chretien, Chloe Halpenny, Kemi Odegbile and others.
Bob Gorley's phone number is 613-237-4311
See more information about Bob Gorley