It is said that necessity is the mother of invention and that is certainly the case with For over a decade, there has been growing recognition of the need for change in the way that injuries and illnesses that are the result of an occupational incident are managed. Cocooned in a highly regulatory environment and driven by economic pressures, the workers' compensation system has evolved into one that is process-driven, where the humanity of the people we serve is often not given its just due.This often leads to expensive litigation, unnecessary delays, and reduced quality of outcome; situations that are needlessly expensive and often produce inferior results.For the past decade or so, voices have been rising to call for an improved way to manage claims and improve outcomes for these injured workers. Different names and phrases have been used to define this idea – Workers' Recovery, Advocacy Based Claims Management, Bio-Psychosocial Adoption, Whole Person Care – but all center around the same critical realization. Treating the "entire person," understanding the psychology and thought process of the injured worker, and employing clear, concise, and consistent communication methods will improve clinical outcomes while reducing friction and cost. Simply put, restoring humanity to the process is a win-win for all involved.Yet today, despite the growing acceptance of this movement, no formal training system has existed that embraces whole person recovery management. is a community-driven effort designed to remedy that and will help continue the trend towards lower costs and improved results through education, information exchange, and mentorship.It is a necessary idea whose time has come. Welcome to the future of Workers' Recovery. Welcome to