The World Wide Web (www) has gone from millions to billions. Instead of searching across WWW users have shifted to looking local. Local searches result in visits, phone calls and sales. It has become more important than ever for businesses to shrink the World Wide Web and "Get Found Locally". The number of mobile users has doubled in the last 5 years and is expected to double again in the next two years. In 2013, more tablets were sold than laptop for the first time ever. As this tread continues to explode, localized and geo-targeted searches will become the standard. BizNearby is your professional solution in expanding your presence in local business listing directories, search engines, maps, videos and your overall online presence. We have reached agreements with top database providers and publishers for business listings, both directly and indirectly. So why be limited to one channel or directory only and pay heavily for it? Have your business listed with BizNearby once, thereby having access up to 100 directories, search sites, GPS and smartphones, etc.