Mecouri Media is the umbrella company name for my Digital Paintings, Acrylic Paintings, and Fine Art Prints. As a retired marketing consultant, I'm devoting some of my time now to helping others achieve their dreams, and personal goals.I've been a photographer for over 40 years, specializing in my children for most of those years, but now have moved on to fine art and stock photography offered online. I've sold many of my photographs, won awards for graphic design, photography, and video production. I've also worked for Intel doing technical writing and Web design; and for ESPN as an audio assistant. It was all lots of fun, but now I'm retired, and have begun dipping into acrylic painting. I've taken six classes from professionals in my area, and many on-line lessons. It's amazing how much information on technique, color, etc. these artists share for free. I thank them every time I pick up a brush (or knife). Taking lessons online is so much easier than going to brick and mortar college and trying to find a place to park.