In his seminal work, The Universal Law: Love Defined, Bobby Williams encapsulates the various facets of that phenomenal, often elusive noun/verb, love. In its various descriptions, earthly love is a direct manifestation of its ultimate all-embracing, awe-inspiring divine expression. Williams discusses love as a grammatical construct and as a manifestation of thought, feeling, and emotion. At the same time, he examines how we, as humans, interact, exchange, and demonstrate love, thereby revealing our limitations, foibles, and potential to reach our highest selves. For life to have meaning and substance, all of us—every living entity—must feel that we matter—that our presence in this world has purpose—and love is the nucleus and catalyst of that intention.In its most basic sense, love is the transfer of power or energy from one to another, intending to benefit the recipient and, either directly or indirectly, the conferrer. In loving, we also come to understand and, at least, attempt to access the zenith of love—that which is inherent in and through God. In carefully exploring and searching for a definition of love, Williams concludes that current definitions and interpretations are entirely subjective but hopes that new proposed definitions of love may be on the horizon. Antiquated views and definitions of subjective preferences may now be passé—and even misguided. In the final analysis, however, love is not really that mysterious and indefinable, after all. It defies the physical realm— matter and form—to become ALL—from the zenith of existence to the depths of subatomic matter.Tap into the omnipotent power of love and explore its enduring constancy for all the ages—its connection to all life within the hidden recesses of our universe and that which lies beyond. Then, turn within to gain a new perspective.