PDS America is a Nashville Tennessee based ADA consulting firm specializing in accessibility consulting for Title III ADA lawsuits (defense). The Company was started in 1998 by Barry Bonifay –owner and current president. Barry Bonifay holds certification and license as a Registered Accessibility Specialist license in the state of Texas and is licensed to perform both accessibility plan reviews and inspections. He completed the Texas Accessibility Academy in Austin Texas in 1999. Barry Bonifay served as ADA plan reviewer for three years with Hospital Corporation of America and specializes in hospital accessibility. He is also the current accessibility consultant with the Tennessee Board of Regents and reviews plans for building projects for all Universities, Community Colleges and Tech Schools under their jurisdiction. He has worked as expert witness on 26 Title III law suits in the South Eastern U.S. PDS America provides both professional liability and general liability insurance up to one million dollars for services performed by our company. PDS America is a certified small business contractor with Metro Nashville TN. PDS America has performed accessibility reviews on projects over $240 million dollars and has worked on federal, state, and local projects. PDS has performed accessibility audits for all (13) Tn. Community Colleges, 35 Metro Public Schools and all Metro Nashville Buildings. Services include: Expert Witness Services related to ADA Accessibility Compliance Plan Review Accessibility Compliance Inspections Accessibility Compliance Audits For Buildings and Sites ADA Seminars