IotaOrigin UG is a platform for international trade in conflict-free minerals and a blockchain-like technology-based certificate for compliance with EU Regulation 2017/821, which has been in force since 2021. The EU regulation requires EU importers to track conflict minerals tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold from high-risk areas within their supply chains. Due to the politically desired and economically and ecologically necessary energy transition, new technologies for energy production and carbon dioxide mitigation are becoming established. Conflict-free raw materials are indispensable for the technical implementation of the energy transition.At the same time, their extraction is often associated with unstable and conflict-ridden countries of origin, which is why regulatory measures, particularly at the EU level, are increasingly restricting the import of these minerals. IotaOrigin helps local communities to implement the regulations and enables market access for mine operators, exporters and investments in sustainable mining of these raw commodities. IotaOrigin UG addresses this economically and socially relevant problem.