Green Roof Diagnostics provides unbiased, controlled testing of stormwater management solutions in a state-of-the-art laboratory setting. Recognizing a lack of rigorous, verifiable methods for evaluating green roof and urban stormwater infrastructure performance, the Green Roof Diagnostics team has combined extensive experience in engineering, scientific research methods, and industry best practices to develop innovative, reputable testing protocols specifically adapted to urban infrastructure projects. These protocols fill an urgent need in the stormwater management industry for trustworthy methods to accurately quantify and characterize green infrastructure performance.GRD employs scientific research and advanced data analytics to advance and expand the green infrastructure industry, with the goal of connecting science and engineering with market implementation to encourage holistic stormwater management solutions that are environmentally sustainable and economically viable. Through continuous testing and modeling efforts, GRD leverages some of the most advanced data in the stormwater management industry to develop optimized solutions for green infrastructure design based on project-specific constraints and priorities.