Camp Galilee is an outdoor ministry of the West Marva District of the Church of the Brethren. We operate May-October annually for both Christian summer camps and rental groups wishing to use our facilities. You can learn more on our website at or on our Facebook page Located in the beautiful mountains of Terra Alta, West Virginia. Camp Galilee is owned and operated by the West Marva District Church of the Brethren and is a member of the Outdoor Ministries Association of the Church of the Brethren. The purpose of Camp Galilee is to: Provide a camp and camp proram in harmony with the general camp program of the Church of the Brethren. A program that includes all age gropus of the Church of the Brethren. Aim to lead and appreicate more fully the wonders and variety of nature. To form appropriate and abiding friendships with fellow camps and leaders. To provide educational activities which develop abilities for responsible living and for more effective leadership and service. To teach children to know, love, and share the Lord.