Little Light Studios is a full service production company dedicated to producing unconventional and unique faith-based presentations along with groundbreaking documentary films. The Little Light Studios family attracts creative collaborators with an authentic voice. Little Light Studios, with its prayerful and technical infrastructure, partners with other ministries to develop and produce projects across a wide range of genres. As a media company, Little Light Studios has a firm hand on the pulse of popular, classic, counter, urban, youth, and world cultures. We recognize the current creative imperative that is driving the paradigm shift away from large studios producing the most relevant films. This allows us, as an independent production company, the unique opportunity to fill the gap with bold, Spirit-driven content. Focusing on projects that highlight various social and cultural issues, merging new technology with fresh perspectives, and engaging the world with the light of prophetic truth is what makes Little Light Studios a new and important voice in independent media. A voice that reaches far beyond the known boundaries of traditional Christian productions.