St. Helena Unified School District is comprised of a primary school, elementary school, a middle school and a high school. Students from two nearby elementary districts also attend. The District is a Basic Aid District with a yearly budget of approximately $22 million. Through parent groups, the St. Helena Public Schools Foundation and unmatched gifting, the local community augments the athletic and fine arts programs, enriches classrooms and provides an impressive number of scholarships to high school graduates. There is strong community support for the schools, including a tremendous volunteer support program. The St. Helena Unified School District community is dedicated to providing opportunities and resources for all students to achieve their highest academic and social potential in a global society. WE BELIEVE THAT: We are all teachers and learners. Respect, integrity and honesty are core responsibilities of all individuals Commitment to high expectations inspires excellence and personal best. Everyone has the right to achieve his or her full potential. A supportive environment fosters creative and confident learners.