The Lobby Coffee Bar is a joint partnership between End Hunger In Calvert County, Honduras Compassion Partners, and Chesapeake Church. We are located in Huntingtown – the heart of Calvert County, MD. We operate out of Chesapeake Church.The Lobby Coffee Bar is a full-service coffee bar open to the public that operates as a non-profit enterprise, supporting the missions of both End Hunger In Calvert County and Honduras Compassion Partners.CULINARY TRAINING PROGRAMOne of the main purposes of The Lobby Coffee Bar is to further the mission of End Hunger In Calvert County by expanding its Culinary Training Program. The Culinary Training Program teaches students the skills needed to work at the management level of a coffee shop, cafe, or bakery in the kitchen. Graduates of the program will have National Restaurant ServSafe Certification and receive job-placement assistance. Naturally, graduates are prime candidates to hire at The Lobby Coffee Bar.We have seen first hand, that providing quality job training opportunities is a key factor in moving a person from dependency to self-sufficiency.More Information: endhungercalvert.orgEnd Hunger In Calvert County:End Hunger In Calvert County is an association of Calvert County businesses and community leaders united behind the idea of ending hunger in our county. Our mission is to improve the lives of Calvert County residents by moving individuals and families from dependency to self-sufficiency. We accomplish this by supporting our local food pantries and through our Culinary Training Program. For more information about End Hunger In Calvert County, visit