Mission StatementProject Exodus is a Christian anti-human trafficking organization which seeks to find, rescue, and restore victims of human trafficking throughout the United States and the world and to empower individuals and communities to actively participate in the fight against slavery by becoming modern day abolitionists. Vision StatementProject Exodus' vision is "To see a world free of modern slavery, where individuals actively seek God's justice and work together to love one another and fight oppression"The Premise Project Exodus was founded on the premise that more was needed in the fight against modern day slavery. As it stands, there is a massive gap between professional abolitionist organizations and abolitionist activists. While the professional abolitionist organizations are doing amazing work, there is often little opportunity for the average abolitionist activist to join in these operations beyond fundraising and awareness building. The result of this gap is a massive waste of resources with thousands of potential justice seekers standing idle at the sidelines. Project Exodus seeks to change this. Filling The VoidHuman trafficking is an atrocity of epic proportions and effects everyone everywhere. Due to its size and its shadowy nature, trafficking happens even in the most populated and affluent places of this world, including the cities of the United States. Yet regardless of this, the anti-trafficking movement and its reach isstill small, due to a lack of ability brought on by shortage of funds,lack of man power, and poor education. By Project Exodus doingobservations and outreach, not only are we promoting awareness of trafficking in many neighborhoods but we are putting eyes out in areas where no eyes are watching, bringing light to the darkness and exposing what is hidden, truly filling the void so that no trafficker can go unnoticed.