Thomas and Abby Stephenson founded TENNACITY after a tragic car wreck and grueling recovery changed both of their lives for ever, and set them on a path to help other trauma survivors with recovery.It takes constant mental, physical, and emotional tenacity to keep working towards improving quality of life after trauma and fighting through the excruciating pain to do so. While tenacity is necessary, physical therapy combined with athletic and strength training help get trauma survivors back to living their lives. However, not everyone has the monetary resources for this to be a reality, and that shouldn't be the only thing to stand in the way of a full recovery.From our journey, we know what it feels like to face the reality that your life may never be the same. No one should have to feel like trauma defines them, and no one should have to do this alone. We've walked this walk, and we have personally come out of a traumatic accident to live a lifestyle we both love. With that in mind, we created TENNACITY to help others do the same so they can become more than their accident and live the life they want to live.