We launched Hello Digital Ed as a startup in early 2021 to help schools prepare students for the digital age. Hello Digital provides engaging, transformative digital courses and internship programs. Courses include: Digital Marketing, Brand You and Digital Citizenship.CEO, Dave Gee, created and taught the original digital marketing curriculum for the University of Wisconsin-Madison MBA program and decided to create contemporary digital marketing course specifically for high school students that is dynamically updated and supported for high school teachers and their students.Students develop highly marketable skills to help increase their opportunities to excel in internships, full-time jobs, launching their own startups, and continuing into higher education.Our courses include dynamic, engaging, informative videos, integrated quizzes and digital builds. Students build live websites, eCommerce stores, company social media pages, Google and Facebook Ad campaigns and more.Our courses are taught exclusively by subject matter experts and can be integrated directly into existing high school current curriculum or be delivered as separate courses.Learn more about how we can help your high school students here: https://hellodigitaled.com/