We help you build your competitive edge by maximising your investment in your people. Our goal is to create high performing teams and mitigate employment related risk. This gives you the space to propel your business forward through this unique point of difference - your people.We get to know your business, your purpose and your vision then work with you to create tailor-made HR solutions for your specific business needs.Whether you don't yet have the resources for a full time HR Manager or your established HR team need a helping hand with an Employee Relations matter or Special Project...we can assist for as little or long as you need.Contact us to see how we can help you with the following areas of running your business:RECRUITMENTAre you finding it hard to attract the kind of people you'd like working for you?EMPLOYEE RELATIONSDo you have under-performing employees that you don't know what to do about?EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENTDo your employees love what they do, and care about your business as much as you do?LEARNING & DEVELOPMENTAre you staying competitive through your people?LEADERSHIP CAPABILITYDo you think you could further develop your leadership capability?UNDERSTANDING WORKPLACE RIGHTS & OBLIGATIONSAre you worried you might not be meeting the minimum Fair Work obligations as an employer?OH&SHas OH&S crossed your mind but you haven't had time to consider it more seriously?EMPLOYMENT RECORDS MANAGEMENT / HR SOFTWAREDo you need a better way of tracking all the required employment paperwork for your business?Purple Playground: Offering pragmatic and affordable HR Outsourcing solutions for your business.Sally Murphy | Director: sally@purpleplayground.com.au 0403 170 585Marija Simonds | Director: marija@purpleplayground.com.au 0420 552 562