PRACTITIONERS IN ADVERTISING, FINE DESIGN AND MARKETING SOLUTIONS Information, knowledge and imagination are the triad of buzzwords we use to describe the principles that guide our communications philosophy. They are our vision, our mission and our values all rolled into one character trait. And that is why Community Advertiser is the specialist concept and design facility it is. We've gathered the best talent to exploit the wisest opportunities for our clients' marketing. In so doing we've become a fluid, independent group of problem solvers that takes your projects from periphery to centre stage. We believe in constantly reinventing our ideas and intentions, and in being unafraid of gravity shifts when creating striking winning solutions for our customers. Our studios have thus become a pulsating network of brainfood on demand, talent on time, and continuous expertise transfer on all aspects of artistic expression. Our focus is to allow our clients' priorities to reflect the importance of their brand and service. That's the whole business of advertising; and we make certain that the right communication tools are used for this purpose. Community Advertiser has the requirements to create a robust new corporate metabolism for your brand, giving you space for exposure, growth and power. Our business is to make ourselves better and others happy. And that is enough to keep us busy!