"The migenius mission is to bring technology into the market place that enables live 3D for all."Traditionally 3D modelling, rendering and analysis tools have been the exclusive domains of experienced operators of complex software, such as CAD/CAM packages, Digital Content Creation tools and FE Analysis programs. These products require an ever-increasing level of user knowledge and local workstation computing power to operate, pushing them further and further outside the realm of wide scale adoption.The vast amounts of 3D content generated by these products is frequently underutilised since only those with sufficient computing power are able to access the information efficiently. This is particularly true when 3D rendering (the act of taking 3D modelling data and producing photorealistic images) is introduced as a means of viewing 3D information.By applying extensive experience on large scale commercial projects and the convergence of several key technologies, migenius is setting about to make high quality, 3D information, in the form of photorealistic imagery, available to the widest possible audience, with no need for expensive workstation computers or complex software. All that is required is an Internet connection and a web browser.