That voice you hear when you call 9-1-1 spends at least 8 hours a day listening as your worst nightmare unfolds, and in those few minutes we are living it with you - dozens of times, everyday, for years. Your worst day is our work day.The fact of the matter is that people are going to die on our watch. Men, women, children. Sometimes peacefully, other times not, and sometimes we are the last voice some people will ever hear as we frantically and desperately try to save them. We share in that suffering.We are that voice in the dark, and when all hell breaks loose it's as unrelenting as it is unforgiving. Ours is a thankless job - too often unrecognized and underrepresented.We're changing that. Get to know the voices behind the headset as we celebrate each other and talk candidly about what we go through. I've hand-selected an amazing group of admins who are just as passionate about this movement as I am, and we are going to bring you something absolutely incredible, so visit our site and subscribe today. We're launching in August!! Look for us on Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat with the handle humanize911. We will be on Facebook as our primary method of communicating, but the site won't be accessible until the launch.