ARISE Church was started with the intent of making an impact in the city of Wellington, NZ. We now have over 7,000 members regularly attending any one of our services each weekend. We have over 20 services each weekend across the country in 8 different locations and over 10,000 hours given per week by volunteers wanting to support and build strength into the communities around us. We are building a new type of church; a church that will be available to everyone, everywhere. A church where every member is part of a united purpose, a church of social action which exists to lift people up, creating teams of volunteers serving the needs of their community, to positively impact the nation of New Zealand. ARISE’s team is spread over 8 different locations around New Zealand from Whangarei down to Dunedin. We have over 70 staff and an even bigger team of interns who are growing in their ability to be competent Christian ministers as well as adding to our teams overall workforce on a day to day basis. From our hub in Lower Hutt we centralise our group administration, creative and business development functions from across the country with the purpose of creating a streamlined and effective church. Whether it be in creating positive environments for children, engaging programmes for teenagers, opportunities for community engagement for young workers, marriage counselling for couples, parenting tips for families, support for those grieving, life skills training, open homes, positive role models or a myriad of other ways, ARISE is about an amazing team wanting to make a difference in the lives of others.