Black Horse Strategies, LLC is a VA-based (Moneta, VA) Small Business specializing in medical supply chain. They provide consulting services to include product sourcing and supplier relations. They offer a line of Emergency Preparedness and life-saving, military-grade, First Responder products to the law enforcement, EMS and civilian communities.Black Horse Strategies…"Advancing Your Medical Supply Chain Initiatives"Our Vision…To put military-grade medical products, used by our warfighters abroad, into the hands of First Responders who protect us here at home. Our Mission… 1) To promote the fundamental fact that we, as citizens, are ALL First Responders2) To source medical products that are "Made in the USA", whenever possible3) To support our citizens, both civilian and warfighter, with access to medical and emergency preparedness products that can save livesSince 2008, Black Horse Strategies team members have facilitated the sourcing, production, and project management of over 1,000,000 medical equipment assemblages for the Federal Government. These assemblages include Combat Life Saver, Deployable Medical and Surgical Equipment Sets, Individual First Aid Kits and Vaccine Kits. Past relationships include United States Army Medical Material Command Europe (USAMMCE), Unites States Army Medical Material Agency (USAMMA), Marine Special Operations Command (MARSOC), Department of Health & Human Services and Marine Corps Systems Command. Black Horse Strategies has over 16 years of product sourcing, as well as Distribution and Pricing Agreement (DAPA) and Defense Logistics Agency and Prime Vendor Master Medical Catalog experience. The team has strong relationships with suppliers, contractors and manufacturers.