TWG Benefits, Inc. is a leading provider of actuarial, recordkeeping, investment advisory, and administrative services for retirement plans. We understand that every business is unique, and we provide the highest level of customer service – from initial plan design to navigation of the industry's ever-shifting regulatTWG Benefits, Inc. ("TWG," fka "The Weiss Group") is a leading provider of actuarial, recordkeeping, investment advisory, and administrative services for retirement plans. We understand that every business is unique, and we provide the highest level of customer service – from initial plan design to navigation of the industry's ever-shifting regulatory landscape, and ultimately through the realization of retirement benefits. Retirement planning can be complex and administratively burdensome for business owners, so we leverage our expertise, experience, and industry connections to enable our clients to efficiently achieve their goals with peace of mind. We are committed to fee transparency, and we view industry fee disclosure requirements as crucial in promoting financial security for retirement plan participants and their employers. TWG provides daily valuation recordkeeping, actuarial, and third-party administrative (TPA) services to over 600 retirement plans with approximately 25,000 participants and plan assets in excess of $1 billion. TWG is headquartered in Northbrook, IL and maintains a physical presence in strategic regional markets to serve its nationwide client base. TWG is a second-generation family business that has helped people build wealth for a financially secure retirement across four decades.