Child and youth hunger does exist in Waterloo Region. 1 in 10 children arrive at school without any food to sustain them - simply put, they are too hungry to learn. Nutrition for Learning supports 136 Student Nutrition Programs in Waterloo Region, providing breakfast, snack or lunch programs for over 18,000 children daily. Over 2,500 registered volunteers plan, prepare and serve students nutritious meals.We believe that every child has the right to attend school well nourished. Children arriving at school hungry are at a clear disadvantage, unable to concentrate of excel physically, academically, cognitively or emotionally.Following is just one of hundreds of stories shared and experienced by volunteers. "It's is early in the morning and my mom has gone to work. There's nothing to do and I am lonely. Grabbing my winter coat and boots, I run to the school to wait for the doors to open. The volunteers are talking and busy but they all say hi to me. The smells are good that come from the kitchen. I am really happy the student nutrition program is here at my school. I'm not hungry anymore and I have lots of friends."