Dixieline Builders Fund Control-ProBuild (DBFC) is an escrow company that has been serving Southern California lenders and builders since 1965. DBFC facilitates the disbursement of borrowed or owner funds for lenders, builders, and homeowners from start to finish on construction projects. DBFC became part of the ProBuild organization when ProBuild was formed in 2006.New ServicesThe acquisition by ProBuild has given Fund Control the opportunity to expand our services and make us a more diversified company. We aim to assist lenders and builders in this difficult economic environment and to leverage our construction expertise for various programs and necessary compliance requirements. Our new services include:Construction Progress InspectionsTrained professional inspectors will visit the construction site, photograph and evaluate the construction progress, and complete a written report including the percentage complete which will assist in your funding decision.Construction Cost Budget AnalysisExperienced cost estimators and/or contractors will review your clients' construction plans, specifications, and construction budget, and then render an opinion as to the sufficiency of the proposed construction funds. Completion Cost AnalysisConstruction professionals will visit the subject property and interview appropriate governmental agencies to determine the project status when a construction project is impaired or there are insufficient funds to complete the project. They will also review all building plans and specifications, and prepare a detailed line item cost breakdown to complete the project. Loan Portfolio-Due Diligence InspectionTrained inspectors will visit the project site, complete a property specific checklist, photograph the property, and evaluate any deferred maintenance, health, safety, code compliance items. In addition, a cost to cure estimate and current scope of work can be provided.