The use of an interconnected, multi-layered printed circuit board as the stator fundamentally changes the way electric motors/generators are designed and manufactured. These stators allow us to create remarkably thin, durable, compact, light-weight motors without compromising torque.Electric motors integrated with ECM's PCB Stator patented technology provide higher power density, better quality of motion, and better efficiency than today's conventional motors. Motors that were previously unavailable to new technologies.Our proprietary motor design and optimization software, PrintStator, is a cloud-based CAD/CAM software platform that leverages PCB manufacturing to print stators for coreless axial flux machines. PrintStator's optimization algorithms quickly transform customer application requirements into an optimized motor design that's ready for rapid prototyping and commercial production at any of the numerous circuit board houses across the globe.We are focused on direct commercialization opportunities in a number of sectors in the industrial, consumer, automotive and alternative energy markets. We are currently partnering with innovators in the robotics, maritime, autonomous vehicle, e-mobility, and medical industries.Additionally, our technology will contribute to a sustainable future. Over 40% all electric energy used in the United States is consumed by electric motors. We believe our elegant and efficient circuit-board technology can provide up to 8% greater efficiency than today's most efficient small electric motors, and up to 3% greater efficiency than today's most efficient high-horsepower electric motors. Additionally, motors designs integrated with ECM's technology require up to 80% less raw materials.There is no doubt that ECM's PCB Stator Technology is essential for the future of the electric motor.