Electric Jet LLC was founded in 2005 by Bruce Cambata (President) and Joe Garst (CEO) as a small privately owned research company exploring cutting edge gas turbine technology. Their first project (a privately funded research partnership with Virginia Polytechnic Institution and State University) had the goal/objective of running a gas turbine (commercial PT-6 jet engine) exclusively on hydrogen. The project was successfully completed in 2010 with Electric Jet LLC consequently being issued patents for their "lean premix hydrogen nozzle technology". The second Electric Jet LLC project funded solely by the company is focused on the development of a micro gas turbine/electrical generator unit (fueled by JP-8) capable of producing 10kW continuous power with a combined weight of 50lbs. The applications and markets (both civilian and military) for compact power generation are vast. Electric Jet LLC just completed the research, design, and building of a "proof of concept" prototype (full scale/fully operational) with patents issued on Electric Jet LLC micro gas turbine technology. In 2016 Electric Jet LLC will enter into the two year development phase of the project which will position the company to go into production.