Have you ever written "pubic" when you meant "public"? "Orgasm" when you meant organism"? Do "you're" and "your" or "it's" and "its" confuse you? How about "me" and "myself"?Do you really know what a semicolon does?Do you trust grammar programs to know your intent when you use a word that can be misunderstood?The writing world is a wondrous place, and whether you call yourself a blogger, author, writer, or ghostwriter, you're writing for public consumption. You're writing content you hope impresses others. Maybe you finally finished writing your book!Maybe you're looking for a job. Maybe you're writing for your own clients to help them get hired, or sell their products or services.But do your presentations show your (or your clients') ideas to full advantage?Like many otherwise smart writers, you may have lost track of the American grammar fundamentals, so your work isn't being seen in the best light. Let's face it: Most of us took our last grammar class when we were too young to give a rat's rump about using pronouns or punctuation correctly.Now we know how important it is ... but how do we find the help we need?You could call me.While I may know next to nothing about your topic, I will ensure that your readers believe you do. I will smooth out your writing, making it look right and be right. I will find the right words and punctuation so your ideas shine, all while preserving your unique voice.GGC's clients include first-time and veteran bloggers, web-content creators, best-selling authors of fiction and nonfiction, ghostwriters, and political columnists (CNBC, Huffington Post, Inc., Entrepreneur, Influencive). Most are American, although a couple are internationals whose different version of English keeps me on my toes.My goal is simple: To help all writers look and sound as smart as they are.