Brian Ham

Accountant at Limbo 41414 - Burlingame, California, United States

Brian Ham's Colleagues at Limbo 41414
Brian Ham's Contact Details
Santa Clara,California,United States
Limbo 41414
Brian Ham's Company Details
Limbo 41414 logo, Limbo 41414 contact details

Limbo 41414

Burlingame, California, United States • 10 Employees

Limbo (, founded in 2005, is one of the largest, fastest growing mobile communities in the US, with over three million passionate members and a monthly reach of over five million people. Limbo makes life more social by giving us more from our mobile phones: more friends, more fun, more connections. Limbo is free for everyone to use and is paid for by innovative mobile advertising formats. The award-winning, privately held company, headquartered in Burlingame, Calif., is backed by three of the world's top venture capital funds: Azure Capital Partners (, Draper Fisher Jurvetson (, and New Enterprises Associates (

Details about Limbo 41414
Frequently Asked Questions about Brian Ham
Brian Ham currently works for Limbo 41414.
Brian Ham's role at Limbo 41414 is Accountant.
Brian Ham's email address is *** To view Brian Ham's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Brian Ham works in the Entertainment industry.
Brian Ham's colleagues at Limbo 41414 are Dennis Langdon and others.
Brian Ham's phone number is
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