Brian Hession

Senior Vice-President Softgoods, Hardgoods & Global Sourcing at Giant Tiger - Ottawa, Ontario, CA

Brian Hession's Colleagues at Giant Tiger
Jeffrey Reinhart

Franchise Owner/Operator Training and Development program

Contact Jeffrey Reinhart

Rhys Dulisch

Grocery Department Head

Contact Rhys Dulisch

Brett Potvin

Director - Planning & Replenishment

Contact Brett Potvin

Adam Lavergne

Director of eCommerce Operations

Contact Adam Lavergne

View All Brian Hession's Colleagues
Brian Hession's Contact Details
(315) 265-5155
Montreal, Urban agglomeration of Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Giant Tiger
Brian Hession's Company Details
Giant Tiger logo, Giant Tiger contact details

Giant Tiger

Ottawa, Ontario, CA • 2875 Employees

At Giant Tiger, we're committed to delivering more than just great deals; we're dedicated to fostering a culture of affordability through our low prices, community support and empowering our local franchise partners. Founded in 1961 in Ottawa’s Byward Market, we are a proudly Canadian, privately held company with over 270 stores across Canada, providing jobs for approximately 10,000 dedicated members of Team Tiger. What sets us apart is that each of our Giant Tiger stores is locally owned and operated by a franchise partner who not only understands but is deeply connected to the needs of their respective communities. When you step into your local Giant Tiger store or explore our online offerings, you’re not just shopping; you’re joining a community where you can feel confident in our commitment to low prices on the products you want and need. To learn more, please visit -- À Tigre Géant, nous nous engageons à offrir bien plus que de formidables aubaines; notre mission consiste à favoriser une culture de l’accessibilité grâce à nos bas prix, au soutien à la collectivité et à notre volonté de renforcer les capacités de nos partenaires franchisés locaux. Fondée en 1961 au Marché By d’Ottawa, Tigre Géant est une entreprise privée fièrement canadienne, comptant plus de 270 magasins au Canada et procurant des emplois à environ 10000 membres dévoués de l’équipe du Tigre. Notre particularité réside dans le fait que chacun de nos magasins Tigre Géant est détenu et exploité localement par un partenaire franchisé qui, non seulement, comprend les besoins de sa propre communauté, mais qui y est profondément attaché. Lorsque vous entrez dans votre magasin Tigre Géant local ou que vous explorez nos offres en ligne, vous ne faites pas que magasiner; vous vous joignez à une collectivité où vous pouvez vous fier à notre engagement à offrir des bas prix sur les produits que vous voulez et dont vous avez besoin.

Discount Store Low Prices Continuous Improvement Family Owned
Details about Giant Tiger
Frequently Asked Questions about Brian Hession
Brian Hession currently works for Giant Tiger.
Brian Hession's role at Giant Tiger is Senior Vice-President Softgoods, Hardgoods & Global Sourcing.
Brian Hession's email address is *** To view Brian Hession's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Brian Hession works in the Retail industry.
Brian Hession's colleagues at Giant Tiger are Jeffrey Reinhart, Christine Soucy, Rhys Dulisch, Jeff Shields, Andrew Courtice, Brett Potvin, Adam Lavergne and others.
Brian Hession's phone number is (315) 265-5155
See more information about Brian Hession