Reinhart & Associates, Inc. (R&A) has provided independent specialized nondestructive evaluation (SNDE) and life assessment services (LAS) to the power plant industry since 1978. In general, the SNDE & LAS are performed on steam turbine rotors, gas turbine rotors, generator rotors, and generator retaining rings. The SNDE of steam rotors include hollow rotor boresonics, automated phased array ultrasonic testing (PAUT) of blade attachments or dovetails, remote video/eddy current testing of L-1 & L-2 turbine blades, and automated ultrasonic testing (AUT) of generator retaining rings. The conventional NDE includes rotor periphery examination using visual testing (VT), wet fluorescent magnetic particle testing (WFMT), eddy current testing (ET), liquid penetrant testing (PT), and ultrasonic testing (UT), hardness testing (HT), and surface replication (SR) for metallurgical evaluation. The results of the specialized and conventional NDE are used in conjunction with material properties and fracture mechanics to perform a life assessment to recommend a re-inspection interval or repair-replace recommendations. R&A has also provided the first NDE method or equipment available in the industry: first in-place remote video/eddy current NDE of L-1 turbine blades; and first independent NDE and life assessment of small bore generator rotors, etc.