Play-a-Round Golf ... ... Every Day of the Year!Play-a-Round Golf develops and operates indoor golf centers that let you play some of the most famous golf courses in the world. High Tradition - Play, Practice, and Learn 12 months a year. - Challenging fun for all ages. - Individual and group lessons available. - Meeting room (Malvern) for company events, parties, family gatherings.High Tech - High-speed infrared camera-based technology provides accurate feedback on every shot - The most realistic simulators in the area - Golf professionals provide swing consultations and instruction - You can always Play-a-Round no matter what the weather is doingBeginners Welcome! - No-pressure atmosphere - Patient, experienced instructors will teach you everything you need to know - A chance to learn to love the game at your own pace - Birthday parties, youth groups and church outings welcomeFor more information, call 610-725-9155 (Malvern) or 610-228-2814 (Ardmore) or email And thanks for sharing our love of the "greatest game in the world." Play-a-Round Golf Team