Trump Card is a division of The Runa Group B.V. portfolio. \\Trump Card is working hard to create the largest worldwide shopping community by providing loyalty solutions to small and large businesses alike, and an exciting business opportunity to Trump Card users. With our Corporate, Gold and Platinum Trump Cards you get high cash discounts and cash-back bonuses over every purchase you make for your daily expenditure with your Trump Card, while our business opportunity (if you choose to be more than just a user of the benefits) allows you to earn money over all purchases made by people that got their Trump Card through your referral, and that use their card to save money on their daily purchases. These combined advantages result in large savings and significant income.\\In our business, everyone wins. The partner shops win because of increased traffic and profits, and the card holders win because of the discounts on their purchases with the Trump Card.\\For more information and contact, please see our websites.