The Mission Specialist & Corporate Board Member at BraveHearts for Kids at BraveHearts for Kids - West Chicago, Illinois, United States
Our mission is to provide life-saving hope and inspiration to families facing a pediatric cancer ordeal through outreach, information and mentoring.Inspired by Ava Jacobs, a little girl that was diagnosed with Medulloblastoma (Brain Cancer of the Cerebellum) as a baby of only 13 months. Initially, the doctors gave Ava almost no hope for survival or a normal life. If she survived the treatment, because of her tiny size and where the brain tumor was located; the risk was huge that treatment would lead to major brain damage and severe developmental issues. To summarize a very long journey, Ava is now in 6th grade, an honor student, star soccer athletic ---The dream child any parent would and could hope to have under the best of circumstances. She is nothing short of a walking miracle for a child that had such little hope for survival or a normal life. HOW WAS AVA'S MIRACLE POSSIBLE? Obviously, there were many factors of which "State-of-the-Art" Customized Cancer Treatment played the major role. Fortunately Ava's father, Jeremy's works with NASA, so he was in the right place at the right time to learn about advanced treatment options and through the support of friends and family they were able to obtain the treatment for Ava. The story of Ava is one of hope, and BraveHearts for Kids was formed to help make Ava's Miracle a possibility for Every Child Diagnosed with Cancer. On a functional level, BraveHearts for Kids makes a difference by providing access to treatment through (1) Information, (2) Medical and Financial Grants, and (3) One-on-One Mentoring. Our purpose is to give families fighting a battle with Pediatric Cancer every ounce of support needed to enable these families to do whatever it takes to save their child's life and future.Go to for information on how to become involved and/or how to obtain help for a family that's dealing with pediatric cancer.