With over 100 years of combined sales, category, and data analytics experience, AWAS Solutions offers interactive dashboards that deliver true data intelligence at a fraction of the cost. Let our igniteIQ and igniteIQ DELUXE tools illuminate growth opportunities derived from Walmart Retail Link data, and deliver the associated item and store level detail to take action on them...in a few simple clicks.Having secure, interactive dashboards of your data accessible anytime, anywhere, and on any device allows you to control the sales narrative with your buyers. From set-up, to segmentation, to weekly data uploads, we have taken painstaking care in designing the user interface so the average person can set their company up in less than 30 minutes. So what are you waiting for? Business driving opportunities are waiting to be uncovered. Let the Accessible, Actionable, and Affordable set-up of AWAS Solutions help you drive business results NOW!