Black woman and Disabled US Army OIF veteran-owned and operated with her schoolteacher husband, Nourich is an organic farm homestead with a farm-to-table soul fusion kitchen. With roots of the Harlem Renaissance showcasing live music, performing arts, spoken word, lively classes, and networking events. Nourishing an intellectual and cultural modern-day renaissance with routes of empowering a future generation of food consciousness, economic independence through farming, the healing connection of artistic expression, and sharing delectable farm-to-table soul food. We want to empower and educate veterans, minorities, and city slickers in the freedom of farming to heal, grow and build communities.Mission:Nourich is a farm homestead and scratch soul kitchen dedicated to harvesting freedom and cultural revolution through meals, classes, the arts, and community events.Vision:To connect and empower each of us by nourishing the roots of farming, the intimacy of sharing meals, and healing values artistic expression.