Cornerstone Jamaica (CJ) is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization dedicated to health and education for children and families in Jamaica. CJ brings people and resources together to create sustainable programs that improve health and education in Jamaican communities. Through strategic partnerships, we create programs and initiatives that improve the lives of Jamaican people, especially Jamaican children. The team at Cornerstone Jamaica consists of professionals from the education, media, nonprofit, legal, business, and medical health industries. They share the desire and passion to improve the lives of those in need in Jamaica through systematic, sustainable, impact-oriented programs and initiatives.In 2011, a group of individuals came together out of a mutual love for Jamaica, and a desire to create lasting change for its citizens. By coordinating with nonprofit organizations, businesses, and friends from around the world, Cornerstone Jamaica supplied clothing, computers, and school supplies to Jamaican communities in need—and that was only the beginning.Our flagship program, the "See Better. Learn Better" (SB.LB) in-school eye care and vision screening program has screened over 4,000 children for vision issues in schools. This program is currently the only nonprofit program operating in schools that provides a pediatric optometrist-led eye examination program and a selection of brand-new, custom prescribed eyewear to schoolchildren in Jamaica. In the wake of COVID-19 pandemic, we were forced to change with the times and adapt our work. Because we were not able to go into schools with SB.LB, we asked our community of partner school principals and teachers what their needs were. The answer was internet and the solution was Cornerstone Connex. We are also in the development phases of a cyber safety initiative called "CyberSafe Yuhself".