Brianna Alvarez

Customer Success Representative at BCDVideo - Buffalo Grove, Illinois, US

Brianna Alvarez's Contact Details
(847) 205-1922
Brianna Alvarez's Company Details
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Buffalo Grove, Illinois, US • 326 Employees

With a focus on proactive response and personal service, BCD is the most trusted source for purpose-built and performance-driven IP video data infrastructure solutions. The company’s innovative and award-winning products include video surveillance recording and storage servers, access control servers, virtualized solutions, harsh environment appliances, client viewing stations, networking solutions, and professional on-site services. All BCD appliances come standard with its exclusive software integration, Harmonize Bridge, powered by Tiger Technology, for hybrid cloud connectivity and disaster recovery. Each system is validated and tested by BCD’s certified technicians to ensure the appliances meet and exceed the specifications and requirements of each individual project site, regardless of the VMS or camera count. BCD is a positive market disruptor and identifies problems and needs in the security industry and then addresses them with innovative and performance-built solutions that are guaranteed and backed by lifetime technical support. BCD seeks to maximize return on investment (ROI) and reduce the complexities of video data infrastructure for their customers, whether they’re security integrators, distributors, or partners, through their OEM program. With an average of five days to ship video appliances globally, BCD continues to set the benchmark for lead times in the industry thanks to its extensive on-site inventory and expert supply chain team. Subscribe to BCD's email newsletter:

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Details about BCDVideo
Frequently Asked Questions about Brianna Alvarez
Brianna Alvarez currently works for BCDVideo.
Brianna Alvarez's role at BCDVideo is Customer Success Representative.
Brianna Alvarez's email address is *** To view Brianna Alvarez's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Brianna Alvarez works in the SaaS industry.
Brianna Alvarez's colleagues at BCDVideo are Cathy Opland, Tammi Rust, Corey Jefferson, Stephanie Null, Damaris Rivera, Eddy Lopez, Brett McCartney and others.
Brianna Alvarez's phone number is (847) 205-1922
See more information about Brianna Alvarez