We are all emotional as human beings, first and foremost, and finally, there is a program that focuses on positive psychology enabling individuals and organizations to thrive and influence real change. Language of Happiness goes beyond increasing employee well-being by offering a unique and fresh perspective by applying positive psychology to continuous learning resulting in increased productivity, engagement, loyalty, and most importantly, happiness. "Third-party research shows over and over again that happy employees are more productive and successful in their jobs – they also have fewer sick days and stay longer." Language of Happiness offers web-based programs (self-paced), hybrid programs (accelerated), and one-on-one coaching (personalized). Some benefits include: • Transformational training for employees that will increase well-being, team-building, engagement, and productivity.• Scientific-based behavior change methodology – neuroplasticity – the ability to actually change the brain by practicing new pathways of thoughts and behaviors.• Enhanced experiences and meaning in life and work – teaches employees how to practice a growth mindset, which helps foster change. Download our complimentary "Meaning at Work" Toolkit at www.LanguageofHappiness.com orcontact us today at info@LanguageofHappiness.com to unlock a portion of the training so you can take a closer look. We also offer complimentary lunch-n-learn meetings locally, as well as via online meetings. We look forward to hearing from you!