Bridgette Nicolini

Communication Specialist at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Huntington - Huntington, NY, US

Bridgette Nicolini's Colleagues at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Huntington
Starr Austin

Director of Lifespan Religious Education

Contact Starr Austin

Jie Yi

Music Director

Contact Jie Yi

Bridgette Nicolini's Contact Details
Huntington, New York, United States
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Huntington
Bridgette Nicolini's Company Details
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Huntington logo, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Huntington contact details

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Huntington

Huntington, NY, US • 5 - 9 Employees
Religious Groups

The UUFH is a religious home. Here, we value the teachings of multiple religious traditions. We gather together spiritually and intellectually in pursuit of justice, equity and compassion for ourselves and the world.The UUFH is a welcoming congregation, supporting and openly welcoming everyone regardless of race, color, sexual orientation, national origin, religious heritage, age and ability.We affirm the liberal religious tradition that gathers to joyfully celebrate the mystery of life, to support and care for each other, and to live our principles of human dignity, free inquiry and justice for all people. We hope that, by working and worshipping together in community, we can reach toward the ideal of the entire world's people sharing in life and the search for its meaning.

Spirituality Community Religious Education for all ages Faith in Action
Details about Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Huntington
Frequently Asked Questions about Bridgette Nicolini
Bridgette Nicolini currently works for Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Huntington.
Bridgette Nicolini's role at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Huntington is Communication Specialist.
Bridgette Nicolini's email address is *** To view Bridgette Nicolini's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Bridgette Nicolini works in the Religious Groups industry.
Bridgette Nicolini's colleagues at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Huntington are Starr Austin, Jie Yi, Rev Haffner, Paul Ratzlaff and others.
Bridgette Nicolini's phone number is 631-427-9547
See more information about Bridgette Nicolini