Brigitte Trepanier

Executive Assistant at Library and Archives Canada - Ottawa, Ontario, CA

Brigitte Trepanier's Contact Details
(800) 627-0828
Library and Archives Canada
Brigitte Trepanier's Company Details
Library and Archives Canada logo, Library and Archives Canada contact details

Library and Archives Canada

Ottawa, Ontario, CA • 1000 - 4999 Employees

Library and Archives Canada preserves and makes accessible the country’s documentary heritage. We are a guardian of the past, a leader in the present and a partner for the future. Our role has evolved considerably over the past 15 years, and we continue to strive to meet the evolving needs of Canadians. Our experts work to acquire, preserve and make accessible our documentary heritage, which includes publications, archival documents, sound and audiovisual recordings, photographs, works of art, and electronic documents. We are also the continuing memory of the federal government and its institutions, and we share our leading expertise in information management. Find out what it's like to work with us and check out current opportunities: Terms: ********** Bibliothèque et Archives Canada préserve et rend accessible le patrimoine documentaire du pays. Nous sommes un gardien du passé, un chef de file du présent et un partenaire pour l’avenir. Notre rôle a évolué considérablement au cours des 15 dernières années, et nous poursuivons nos efforts pour répondre aux besoins en constante évolution de la population canadienne. Nos experts travaillent à acquérir, préserver et rendre accessible notre patrimoine documentaire, qui comprend des publications, des documents d’archives, des enregistrements sonores et audiovisuels, des photographies, des œuvres d’art ainsi que des documents électroniques. Nous sommes aussi la mémoire permanente de l’administration fédérale et de ses institutions et nous partageons notre expertise de premier ordre en gestion de l’information. Découvrez ce que c'est que de travailler avec nous et consultez les offres d'emplois actuelles : Avis :

Digital Archives Genealogy Research And Learning
Details about Library and Archives Canada
Frequently Asked Questions about Brigitte Trepanier
Brigitte Trepanier currently works for Library and Archives Canada.
Brigitte Trepanier's role at Library and Archives Canada is Executive Assistant.
Brigitte Trepanier's email address is *** To view Brigitte Trepanier's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Brigitte Trepanier works in the Government industry.
Brigitte Trepanier's colleagues at Library and Archives Canada are Michelle Lacroix, Michel Hache, Samantha Shields, Michelle Pellerin, Alexander Comber, Angelique Regimbal, Christine Maheu and others.
Brigitte Trepanier's phone number is (800) 627-0828
See more information about Brigitte Trepanier