The consortium consists of proprietary & generic pharmaceutical companies & suppliers to improve the quality & security of their supply chains. Recent publicized events have highlighted a weakness in the supply chain. Examples include: Adulterated glycerin used to manufacture cough syrup & teething gel has led to 67 deaths in Panama, 103 deaths in Haiti and 40 infant deaths in Nigeria & adulterated heparin led to 81 deaths in the US & Europe. The globalization of distribution for both drug components & finished products has introduced many complications that are unresolved. Unethical players & noncompliant companies along the supply chain can introduce counterfeited & adulterated materials, often with tragic consequences. Such incidents lead to a loud & swift reaction from the public, health authorities & policy makers. Legislatures, Regulators & Organizations around the world are attempting to develop local solutions to this complex & global problem, which can be best addressed with a single global response that a consortium can deliver. The consortium will have four distinct functions: 1) Standard Setting: the consortium will scan external sources for the best available standards today with the goal for consortium members to adopt best practices with a sense of urgency. 2) Data Sharing: The consortium will act as a clearing house for vital supply chain information. Consortium members will report suspicious & pertinent events to the consortium, which will disseminate the information, evaluate the impact & then develop potential proactive solutions for its members to consider adopting. 3) Technology: the consortium will work with world class universities to develop new technologies that will prevent & detect tampering within the supply chain. 4) Audits: the consortium will develop a system that will make audits more thorough & allow firms to share audit findings, & corrective actions making the system more effective & efficient.